Chilean company with over 45 years of experience and the highest processing capacity of molybdenum and rhenium in the world, positioning its products as key inputs in technological applications for mega constructions, urban development, medical applications, among others

Innovation strategy

Molymet must continue to be a world leader in the molybdenum and rhenium market, fulfilling its purpose and delivering superior results for all its stakeholders in a sustainable manner, and making significant progress in business diversification.


Metal processing

Revenue (2021)

USD 1.453.442.000


Presence on 5 continents, with industrial plants in America and Europe and commercial offices in America, Europe and Asia.




We aim to make concrete strides in our sustainability challenges, in order to accelerate the innovation cycle of the processes in which we are involved, all with the purpose of advancing our major transformations and adding value to the evolution of humanity.

Edgar Pape Arellano
CEO of Molymet