A key stage in obtaining Molybdenum is roasting, which takes place in a fluidized bed furnace (Nichols Herres Hoff) with 14 floors. Molybdenite is introduced at the top floor and descends slowly in a zigzag manner through each floor of the furnace. As it descends, an exothermic reaction occurs, releasing heat, which causes the furnace to reach temperatures between 300-800°C.
The heat is not distributed uniformly within the furnace because the material adhering to the walls creates areas of lower temperature. This prevents complete oxidation and desulfurization of the material, so it is necessary to add heat from an external energy source.
Floors 1 through 9 have two valves that act as vents, allowing the temperature of the vaults to be regulated; however, this process is done manually. Each vault operates independently.
The goal of this challenge is to control the temperature of each vault in the furnace through automated operation of the vents to maintain it within the expected ranges.

How will we evaluate your solution?
The goal is to have a system that is resistant to 150°C, that automatically controls the opening of the vents and provides a heat map, indicating the temperatures of each vault in the furnace.