What we are looking for?

The SQM finishing plants have a unit operation for drying salts. To carry out this process, a rotary dryer is used which requires heating the salts to 500°C. Once the process is finished, the product is cooled before shipping to the next phase of the process, resulting in the dissipation of heat at 130°C through the industrial chimneys.

We are looking for a technological solution that allows capturing the residual heat released during this process, taking advantage of the temperature difference for reuseing it as energy in the process. In this way, we hope to reduce energy consumption and, therefore, the use of fossil fuels.


Chemical and Mining


Chile, with projects in Australia and China.

Revenue (2021)

US$10.711 billion in 2022



How will we evaluate your solution?

It is expected to achieve a reduction of at least 30% in the energy required for the operation of the dryer.

We are expecting to find

Equipment for gas heat transfer

Take your first step with VENTURE CLIENT


Review the current opportunities in detail and evaluate whether your technology solves the challenge posed.

Do it without interruptions: find a space in your schedule, a quiet place that allows you to concentrate while you complete your application.

Focus on how your technology fits the opportunity: how your technology would achieve the result expected by the large company. Give accurate data and explain the process in detail.

Your commercial maturity matters to us: the more information you provide us about your commercial maturity (revenue, financing rounds, investors, etc.), the more chances you will have of being selected.

Tell us about your experience with other companies that have had a relevant impact.

Provide additional information that can help us understand the impact of your technology: we highly value your videos, presentations, brochures, success stories, etc…

Apply early: the sooner you submit your application, the more time we have to learn about your solution.

Venture Client step by step


September 2 to October 20

Finalists selection

October 28 to December 6

Value Proposition Days

December 9 to 13

Proof of Concept Implementation

January to March 2025
